The Family Check-Up® Model
The model is an adaptive, collaborative, strength-based framework that promotes positive functioning and family wellbeing while preventing problem behaviors and mental health concerns. The Family Check-Up model is flexible, offered as an in-person service or as a digital solution through the Family Check-Up Online.

Online Program
The Family Check-Up Online is a web-based app that improves family relationships and reduces child mental health concerns. Parents who have received the program report that it is helpful and easy to use, improving relationships with their children and supporting healthy child outcomes. Family Check-Up Online supports an asynchronous engagement model that can reach far more families than would otherwise receive services.

In-Person Program
The In-Person version of the Family Check-Up model is a strength-based intervention that is assessment-driven and tailored to improve family management practices, such as family routines and parenting. It integrates Motivational Interviewing strategies and treats the parent as an expert in a collaborative process between the parent and provider. The in-person version consists of three assessment and goal-setting sessions plus a varied number of follow-up services that are tailored to the family’s needs.